- In the afternoon of July 21, the District Industry and Information Bureau took the lead in organizing the 2022 “Smart Change Digital Turn” on-site observation activities, the towns, development zones, Economic Development Bureau “Smart Change Digital Turn” work responsible. ..Zêdetir bixwînin
- On the morning of August 25, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and District Party Secretary carried out a special visit to Niutang Town on "Four Investigations and One Assistance". Cîgirê Serokê Navçeyê beşdar bû ...Zêdetir bixwînin
2022 Civîna Kurtefîlmên Semi-Salane ya Changzhou Kangpurui Otomotasyona Automotive Conditioner Co., Ltd bi serfirazî hate girtin
2022 Semi-annual work summary meeting of Changzhou Kangpurui Automotive Air-conditioner Co., Ltd was held in administrative third floor conference room in the afternoon of July 30, 2022. General Manager Duan Hongwei attended the meeting with all senior executives and dep.. .Zêdetir bixwînin -
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Daxwaza bazarê ji bo pergalên hewayê yên hewayî yên otomatîkî mezin dibe
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Mayoraredarê Changzhou serdana pargîdaniya me kir ku "veguherîna hişmend" bibîne
On the afternoon of February 28th 2022, Sheng Lei, Mayor of Changzhou, visited our company to observe the work of “Intelligent Transformation and Digital Transformation”. Bi Serokê Serokê MA û Gerînendeyê Giştî Duan, Mayoraredar Sheng Bi Retîna Wî Serdana Pargîdaniyê ...Zêdetir bixwînin -
Gotarek berbiçav! Kangpurui, Partiya Mîhrîcanê ya Kangpuruisen Lantern ji bo ISNITE 2022!
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Changzhou Kangpurui Automotive Automotive Air-Conditioner CO., LTD civîna kurteya 2021 salane bi serfirazî pêk anî
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